big brother

David Hasselhoff Leaves Germany's Promi (Celebrity) Big Brother

David Hasselhoff left the Big Brother house at 5:43pm Germany time where he was met by a limo and camera crew to the airport. The fans have all enjoyed David being on Big Brother, loved seeing his videos and we're all very proud of him.Promi Big BrotherFans have said it was a pleasure to see David on German TV again, it's sad to see him leave, but they loved every minute and are very proud.From HoffArmy via Sat1:
Shock for the residents: David Hasselhoff (61) suddenly has to leave the "Celebrity Big Brother" house. What happened? The world star undergoes the surgery that his father is ill. No question, David wants to him immediately. Overcome by his feelings, he admits his celebrity housemates that he will immediately move out of the house: "I must go When I came here, my father was sick I did not know how long I can stay I have now... got a call he is not dying, but he has lung problems and the only one he has, I am I thought the hardest part for me would be to collect here -...., but now it is to go the hardest for me "The background to the extract, the reactions of the remaining eleven residents and what David thinks of his celebrity colleagues, see you tomorrow at 22:15 clock in SAT.1.

Bruno posted in HoffArmy what exactly happened in the house:

Here the picture is of the protocol excerpt:15.18 clockDavid comes from the consulting room. All residents are sitting at the dining table. He calls Marijke to him. David: "I have to go. I need you to translate. I speak English and German you. My father is not well. When I arrived, I knew that I can stay as long as he's fine. I fly back to L.A. tonight. He's fine, but he had to be hospitalized again. I asked my father if I could go and he said it is ok. Then we made a deal, and I said, I'll stay as long as it goes. And now I must go. I want you to explain to the other. "15.20 clockMarijke at all: "I need your attention. David would like to tell you something. This is very important! "15.21 clockDavid speaks and translates Marijke. David: "I have to go. When I came here, my father was ill. I did not know how long I can stay. I've now just got a call. He does not die, but he has a lung problem. And the only one he has, that's me. I thought the hardest part for me would be to collect here - but now it is to go the hardest for me. I want to tell you that this was a cool experience for me. "15.22 clockThe residents fall individually on his neck.15.54 clockDavid begins to pack.16.19 clockAll the villagers gather in the garden and put in the garden for a group picture for the cameras.17.33 clockAll residents sing with David, "Looking for Freedom".17.35 clockDavid Hasselhoff leaves the "Celebrity Big Brother" house, gets into a waiting limousine and goes directly to the airport.20.35 clockWith the British Airways will fly to London and from there back to LA

Promi Big Brother

Sources: HoffArmy, Sat1, Mr. Pocher,


Germany Promi Big Brother: What's Happened So Far

Promi Big Brother

Markus from the HoffArmy has kindly sent us a recap of what's happened in the Big Brother house so far, since some of David's fans either can't watch or don't understand enough German to know what's happening.

Friday, September 13th 2013:It became official - David entered the german BIG BROTHER house. Before he got in he sang a tiny bit of "Looking for Freedom" and was challenged by host Oliver Pocher in regards of his past troubles with alcohol: "Just so that you know - there IS alcohol in the fridge" Oliver Pocher said....quickly David responded "Just to so that you know....I only drink red bull". David appeared to be well received by the other celebrities which are all german. He then was asked if he d like a drink, and he said yes. Then quickly corrected what he said after he noticed some bottles on the table and turned around with the words "I'll get myself a red bull" followed by "I am still learning" which he appeared to say to himself, laughing.Saturday, September 14th 2013:David became the "hero" by finding the closets. Several people inside the house, especially the ladies struggled to store their luggage 'til then. The tv channel decided to show a montage of david getting dressed and played music to it. David seemed a bit lost that day, due to the language barriere - maybe.Sunday, September 15th:First montage of David showed him taking care of his beauty, shaving, creaming, the whole stuff needed to feel comfortable.David and Martin (Semmelrogge, german actor who once played in a Wolfgang Petersen movie "Das Boot" from the early 80s) worked out together, and obviously David is in a better condition than Martin. Later on David and Lucy (Diakovska, a former pop band member before and afterwards musical singer) collected eggs and three hens from a conveyer.  in the late afternoon David took the chance to sing with one of the three new residents of the Big Brother house and asking the viewers for help because most of the time all the people inside speak german.Monday, September 16th:At the beginning he was joking about his german not becoming that good when the experiment is over but his english pretty bad. First longer david scene was when he talked about his dad to Lucy. Second was that he had to say a german tongue twister. "Gibst du opi opium bringt opium opi um." Try that and record it. He ended up singing that line to looking for freedom. Practiced in the restroom, came back al smiles and sang it out loud. Lucy was amazed by the last long tone he sang, bet she never says that he cant sing. He was in such a good mood so far. He had to catch eggs again.
They have a rule saying they are ONLY allowed to speak english when David is around. Cold showers for all of them besides them in the "comfort zone", so David has to take cold showers now.

YouTube: Sharespot: Towels! We need towels!YouTube: Sharespot: David says hi to friends, family, fans and HayleyYouTube: Sharespot: David Hasselhoff and Manuel Charr in the house!

Promi Big Brother

David Hasselhoff on Germany's Celebrity Big Brother

David Hasselhoff on Big Brother

Big news coming out of Germany with Sat1's Celebrity Big Brother airing it's season premiere tonight at 20:15 Uhr. David came out on stage singing "Looking For Freedom" before talking with the hosts for a bit. Before entering the Big Brother house, his last words were, "Ich bin ein Berliner!" Which means "I am a Berliner."The houseguests will spend 2 weeks inside the house. Germany's Promi Big Brother will air daily at 22:15, except for Friday when it airs at 20:15 on Sat1.Click here for the complete TV schedule auf Deutsch.The guests look to be Lucy Diakovska, 37, from the former German girl band No Angels; Dutch TV presenter Marijke Amado, 59, and Martin Semmelrogge, the 57-year-old star of film Das Boot who was locked up last year for driving without a license.Hasselhoff is no stranger to Germany and his links to the country have been much documented.

Source: HoffArmy, The Local

New Radio Interview Confirms November Concerts, Talks About A New Show

David called in to the Mark and Mercedes morning show on Las Vegas' Mix 94.1 Monday morning to talk about his Birthday party, his upcoming concerts, Bella Vida and some new shows he's working on.He confirms he's coming to The Orleans in Las Vegas on November 18-20, and says he's working on a new show called, "An Audience With The Hoff" that he wants to come to Vegas.Take a listen.

'Big Brother' Recap & Exclusive Photos During 'Same Name' Filming


This past Sunday, David Hasselhoff was on 'Same Name' switching places with a man of the same name from Texas. Celebrity David lived in the Texan's home and did his job for four days. He even went out and mowed lawns! Meanwhile, Texan David lived in the celebrity's home and did what the Hoff does on a daily basis. They ended up having a new understanding and appreciation of what each other does for a living, and Celebrity David Hasselhoff did a kind gesture for the family by buying them a few new lawnmowers and starting a college fund for their new baby.Texan Vicky Smith was there and took a few photos of David in Lake Jackson at the Kick's Club and the Brazos Mall. She emailed us these photos.

Check out more photos, video and recap on 'Same Name' and 'Big Brother' after the cut.

Knights of the West Coast also appeared on 'Same Name' with their KITT replicas and merchandise, setting up a meeting with Texas David Hasselhoff. Cesar's Photography posted some behind the scenes photos from that encounter on Facebook.

Check out their appearance on 'Same Name.'


To promote Same Name, Big Brother did a special luxury competition. The luxury the players were playing for was a party in the HOH room with an advanced screening of the premiere of 'Same Name'. Texas David Hasselhoff came out to host the competition, telling the contestants he shared a name with a celebrity. To figure out who that is, the contestants had to figure out a set of clues. The first clue was a bar of soap and some binoculars. The second clue was a microphone on a stand, and the third was someone dressed in armor like a knight carrying a rescue can. Only one person got it right, and they guessed correctly on the first clue.David Hasselhoff revved KITT's engine in the backyard and the houseguests came out to be surprised. They were excited to meet David and to see KITT. They returned to the house to find out their prize. David told them about the party and premiere and told the winner only 3 people could come with her. They all went upstairs to the HOH room, where David hung out with the other houseguests for awhile, eating some sushi and chatting to them about the show.A good friend of mine, Alex Wong, had his KITT used for Big Brother and shared some behind the scenes photos at Big Brother.The full episode of Big Brother is at are some stills I took from the episode.

David Hasselhoff on Big Brother, Same Name, Sons of Anarchy, and.. Grey's Anatomy?

AOLTV recently interviewed David Hasselhoff, and I must say, it was one of the most refreshing interviews I've read recently, amidst all the others that just like to take jabs at him without even getting to know the real David Hasselhoff. It was so nice to read what David's been upto, what he wants to do, and have the interview show what a nice, down to earth guy he really is.So get out your DVRs, because David just filmed a segment for CBS' reality show 'Big Brother' which airs Sunday, July 24 right before 'Same Name' premieres on the same network.

What's in a name? Well, a lot actually, if it's the same name as an international star. CBS' new reality show 'Same Name' (premieres Sun., July 24, 9PM ET) connects some regular people with familiar monikers with the celebs they share a name with. Celebs like Kathy Griffin, Reggie Bush and Mike Tyson will all meet their nominal dopplegangers this season.But first up: Actor, singer and all-around Hoff-tastic name-dropper David Hasselhoff gets to meet and swap lives with David Haseloff Jr, an electrical technician and landscaper from Lake Jackson, Texas. (No, they aren't spelled exactly the same way, but that's pretty damn close.)I caught up with The Hoff this morning while he was on the set shooting something fun at the 'Big Brother' house to promote the show. He opened up about throwing his name twin to the wolves, making him join him on stage at a concert in Germany, and finding out that they're really not that different.He also gave some more details on his 'Sons of Anarchy' guest spot this season. We know he's playing a former porn star, but he also told us what his dirty nickname is, and that he gets to torture Tom Arnold (who plays porn producer Caruso on the show), which was "a lot of fun."So what other shows would Hasselhoff like to guest star on? Paging a certain long-running medical drama! We might've just found you a new McDreamy ...

Hello! Know you're busy today, so thanks for taking the time. Hey there! Yeah, if I'm chomping on a burrito, I'm sorry ... I gotta go do something on 'Big Brother' right after this. I don't really know what's going on [on 'Big Brother'] to be honest. It's one of those shows I thought I'd never be on, but it's super high-rated and our whole gag is a prelude, a contest to figure out who this guy is that has the same name, which'll make for a nice little promo for our show. It'll also give me a chance to see David Haseloff again. I was flying in from Madrid last night, and he already texted me: "It's David Haseloff Jr! L.A. can't shake me!"You've turned him Hollywood![Laughs] He's a cool guy. He's got a real big heart, but he's also a smart guy. I saw him out one night playing me, while I was playing him ... TMZ was after him, and they were asking him some pretty intrusive questions. He looked over at my bodyguard and gave him a little nod and he got him out of there.


That's the crazy thing about the show -- you're not just meeting someone with the same name, but you all actually swapped lives for a while. Yeah, we swapped everything. [Laughs] I threw him to the wolves! I did a concert in Germany, we walked through 9,000 people and I came on singing, "I've been looking for freedom!" He was dressed just like me, and somebody brought him on stage and I said, "Here's another David Haseloff -- want you to meet my soul brother, even though he's not my brother, he's my brother in name. And he wants to sing a song [laughs] ... he's from Lake Jackson, and he wants to sing 'Country Roads.'" And he couldn't open his mouth! [Laughs]Did you all bond at all?We became pretty fast friends, and we've been texting each other occasionally. I have a new girlfriend, so he'll ask "How's the new girlfriend?" and I ask about his baby boy. One of the nicest things was Candy, his mother, when we left she said, "Well we don't care about this show anymore -- we just want to hang out with David Hasselhoff!" And he felt the same way about my dad. He moved into my house and met my dad and said, "I want to learn more about the Hasselhoff genealogy." We're from two different worlds that are really the same -- just different environment, different size house, different size travel, same problems, same family issues.There's comedy in a celebrity going to live a "normal" life, but did you learn a larger lesson?You know I'm so grateful right now and humble for what's happening in my life. I've never had a problem with ever taking this job for granted. With 'Knight Rider' being canceled and sitting around going, "Now what do I do?" and being able to go over to Austria and create a music career until 'Baywatch' came along ... I just kept going and working really hard, and that's basically what he does. I said, "Why do you do it?" And he said, "It's for my family." I don't spend money on myself. I have a nice car, but I don't own it, I lease it. My money goes to my kids, my money goes to making sure they're OK and getting them in acting and singing classes, because they're following in my footsteps, and taking care of my father, because he's by himself now. We all have the same issues, it's just a different world. The values are the same.You do have to work hard to get a call like you did from Kurt Sutter to play a former porn star on 'Sons of Anarchy'!I know! Are you kidding me? That was one of the greatest days of my life, playing a former porn star! From 'Knight Rider' to porn star, baby! [Laughs] It went really well, too -- I had a blast.What more can you tell us about your character?Everybody's kind of laidback and so heavy. I'm supposed to be a guy who's very well-endowed ... they call me "Big Co*k" ... so I enjoyed kind of coming in and getting a little heavy with the 'Anarchy' guys. At the end it was an amazing experience because a lot of them had grown up watching 'Knight Rider,' and they were as thankful for me coming there as I was to be there. I had a bunch of episodes sent to me, and Katey Sagal is in it, and I went to college with her ... she is a dear friend of mine. I said, "I know what the part it, but I don't even know how big it is, but let's just go and have some fun."Do you get to ride with the SAMCRO guys or carry a gun?No, but I got to torture Tom Arnold, which was a lot of fun. [Laughs] Hopefully I'll get asked back. I think they were already talking about bringing the character back ... it's kind of a natural because they were in the porn business in the beginning.You're sort of everywhere lately ...I'm kind of at a point right now where things are just rolling in the right direction. I just keep walking the path and staying healthy ... God's opened a lot of doors for me, and especially my daughters, and 'Same Name is ... you know, just get your handkerchiefs out, because it's pretty emotional.Are there any other shows you'd like to guest star on?Of course I'd love to be on 'Grey's Anatomy.' [Laughs] When we were having some rough times, my daughters and I, we would go in and have a marathon of 'Grey's Anatomy.' I'd love to come in there, more than anything, to be on 'Grey's Anatomy. 'Sons of Anarchy' was pretty cool too, playing a porn king -- I liked that!