comic book

Knight Rider to Return in Comic Book Form

The St. Louis publisher Lion Forge Comics is partnering with NBC Universal to write, develop and publish digital comics based on five NBC shows from the 1980s and '90s: Knight Rider, Airwolf,Miami Vice, Punky Brewster and Saved by the Bell."From hugely popular characters such as Crockett and Tubbs, Zack Morris and Punky Brewster to highly stylized music and clothing choices, these TV franchises have had a significant impact on pop culture," said Lion Forge CEO David Steward in a statement.The company's goal is to extend "that influence by creating visually appealing and entertaining experiences on mobile devices for a whole new generation of fans."Among the writers on the projects are Joelle Sellner (Teen Titans), Jonathan London (Geekscape), Geoffrey Thorne (Leverage) and David Gorden (Catalyst Prime) while artists include Jason Johnson (Wetworks), Carl Reed and Lorenzo Lizana.The comics will debut later this year and will be available through the Amazon Kindle Bookstore, Apple's iBooks, Barnes & Noble's Nook Book Store and Kobo.KnightRiderOnline had this to add:

Not much is yet known about how much these comics will align with the Knight Rider many of us grew up with. However, when asked by Knight Rider Archives about this Geoff Thorne did say that it would be a "reboot. but you'll find all of it very familiar." We expect to find out more at San Diego Comic Con in two weeks.

Source: USA Today, KRO

David Hasselhoff Launches His Own Comic Book

Retro Comics Group announced one of the super special guest-stars for the upcoming RETRO TALES comic book…. none other than the legendary TV/Hollywood star DAVID HASSELHOFF! The Hoff will make his official comic-book debut in RETRO TALES, and will be teaming up with the Discotronic Funk Commandos… and will then spin (H)off into his own action packed comic book! RETRO TALES artist Simon Williams got in contact with the Hoff via his website, and has since spoken to the legendary Knight Rider star several times: “I am so incredibly proud to be able to announce this… getting to speak to David and exchange ideas for this has been beyond awesome. It’s very surreal, but also very, very cool when my mobile rings… and it’s David Hasselhoff!! David has told me that I’m officially “Hofftastic”… possibly the most amazing compliment of my career!!”The Hoff character, co-created by the Hoff and Simon will appear as a time-travelling agent of H.O.F.F. (Heroes Of Fearless Freedom), and will team-up with the Funk Commandos in a history-making special team-up issue when RETRO TALES is released later this year… and will be co-written by Simon Williams and David Hasselhoff.

Sources: Bleeding Cool and Retro Comics Group