41st Annual Los Angeles Police Family Fun Day and Celebrity Golf Tournament

David Hasselhoff will be at the 41st Annual Los Angeles Police Family Fun Day & Celebrity Golf Tournament tomorrow, October 13. Tee off is at 10am, and David is slated to be apart of the Noon Time Celebrity Putting Contest. Jack Nicholson and Adam Baldwin will also be part of the tournament.The tournament takes place at Rancho Park Golf Course in Los Angeles, California, and tickets are $5. Tickets can be purchased the day of the event at two different ticket locations at the park.  There will be a ticket booth in front of the clubhouse at the main entrance. Tickets are also available at All LAPD Stations or for more ticket information call 213-847-4239. For more information contact them at: proceeds benefit the Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation.

Thanks to Jennifer Catano for the tip!Â