Special: WonderWall MSN Twitterview

The Hasselhoffs did a special 'Twitterview' with MSN's WonderWall today, and for those of you that missed it or don't have a twitter, here is a transcript. For anyone that posted questions on Hoffspace, don't worry! We forwarded your questions on.WonderWallMSN:  You ready for our Twitterview? :)Taylor Hasselhoff:  hey were ready:)WonderWallMSN:  Great! So The Hasselhoffs premieres Sunday night. What made you decide to do a reality show?David Hasselhoff:  because we wanted to show the world what the Hasselhoff's are really likeWonderWallMSN:  Was it hard getting used to the cameras? Did you ever want to ditch them?David Hasselhoff:  (on the camera question) YES! YES! And YES!WonderWallMSN:  Haha! What celebrity would you love to watch a reality show about?David Hasselhoff: Al Pacino because he's super coolWonderWallMSN:  Growing up, did you guys know how famous your dad is?Taylor Ann Hasselhoff:  no we just wondered why we were going to the beach everydayWonderWallMSN: LOL! What's something about your dad people would be surprised to know?Hayley Hasselhoff:  when we go jetsking my dad loves to stop in the middle of the ocean to do business.... I hope you know we mean phone callsWonderWallMSN: I hope that's on the show! Speaking of, is there anything you wish didn't get caught on camera?David Hasselhoff: yes! when I tried to get my hair colored and it ended up completely red, I was the red rider...WonderWallMSN: Fan Question! Julia1981 asks: How does it feels to perform on stage with your daughters?David Hasselhoff: I'm still smiling ear to ear!WonderWallMSN: What's the best advice your dad's ever given you? (career and/or life advice)Hayley Hasselhoff: to always follow our dreams and never give upWonderWallMSN: OK, this may be a given but who would win in a street fight: the Hasselhoffs or the Kardashians?Taylor Hasselhoff: depends on who hires the best people to fight for them hahaDavid Hasselhoff: I'm with my girls on that answer!WonderWallMSN: We were sad to see you go on DWTS! :( Who were you rooting for? What did you think of the outcome?David Hasselhoff: I was rooting for Kyle and was glad to return for the finale, it was a lot of funWonderWallMSN: Which would you rather do as a feature film: Knight Rider or Baywatch?David Hasselhoff: Knight Rider... Be careful, dreams do come true...WonderWallMSN: Don't tease us, Hoff! Christmas is coming up. What's your favorite Xmas memory?David Hasselhoff: when my dad got me a go-kart that later became KITTWonderWallMSN: Last question! Can you tweet us a pic of yourself right now?David Hasselhoff: check out our show @aetelevision this Sunday @ 10/9c http://yfrog.com/4jg2cnjWonderWallMSN: So cute! We'll be watching for sure. Thanks for tweeting with us! We love #TheHasselhoffs!

I put this transcript together myself, so please give credit if you intend on using it on another site or ask. Thanks!